Start Week on Monday in Google Calendar and Apple Calendar

Learn how to setup Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Spark email and Cron Calendar (on a Mac) so that the week starts on Monday.

I consider Monday the start of my week, so I like to make sure my Calendars are setup properly.

If you want to start your week on Monday in your digital calendar app on a Mac, here are 4 apps you can do that in and how to update the start of week from Sunday to Monday.

Google Calendar (browser)

  • Open you Google Calendar in your browser
  • Click the Gear in the top bar
  • Click settings
  • Scroll to "View options"
  • In Start week on dropdown menu, change "Sunday" to "Monday"

Apple Calendar (Mac)

  • Open the Calendar app on your Mac
  • Click Calendar in the menu bar
  • Click Preferences
  • In General, find Start week on: and change it from "Sunday" to "Monday"

Spark Email Client (Mac)

  • Open the Spark client on your Mac
  • Click the Spark in the menu bar
  • Click Preferences
  • Click Calendar in the top menu bar of the preferences pane
  • Look for Start week on: and change the select box from Sunday to Monday
  • Close Preferences

Note: your calendar may not update correctly, so you can click Day in the top of the calendar and then click Week again and it should update

Cron Calendar (Mac)

  • Open the Cron client on your Mac
  • Click Cron in the menu bar
  • Click Settings
  • Under Calendar, you should be on the General section. Look for Start week on: and update Sunday to Monday